BAFTA in New York welcomed Alan Rickman to the first of an occasional series 'Mondays With Bafta in New York' on February 7 2011.
Following on from last year's unique New Year Networking event at Norwood House, BAFTA in New York followed up in 2011 by launching a brand new networking series; Mondays with BAFTA in New York. The opening night proved to be a an overwhelming success, welcoming actor Alan Rickman for an entertaining evening of discussion and conversation.
After a month performing in the intense Ibsen play John Gabriel Borkman at BAM an evening with BAFTA Members in a freezing New York city may have felt like an undertaking too many for the British star, who confessed prior to the discussion that he worried that he might be too tired to give his best.
However; in the experienced hands of moderator Lisa Schwartzbaum of Entertainment Weekly and along with the warmth and enthusiasm of BAFTA members and guests filling the McGraw Hill auditorium, the evening soon turned into a memorable night of candid and sometimes sly insights into the favorite and not so favorite highlights of the Rickman career.