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Мы всегда будем помнить это время. Спасибо Джоан Роулинг!
Harry taught me that you will never win without love and friendships.
Hermione taught me that knowledge is important.
Ron taught me that true friends always come back.
Snape taught me not to judge a book by it’s cover.
Hagrid taught me that it is okay to love.
Dumbledore taught me strength.
Sirius taught me that those who die never really leave you.
McGonagall taught me how to be badass.
Voldemort taught me to never let power get to my head.
Bellatrix taught me that obsession is never healthy.
Luna taught me that it is okay to be myself.
Draco taught me to be what i want to be, not what i am expected to.
Ginny taught me how to be strong.
Lucius taught me not to be a coward.
Fred&George taught me that laughter is the best medicine.
Lupin taught me to never let my appearance get in the way of love.
Dobby taught me to stand up for what is right.
Neville taught me to stand up for my friends.
Moody taught me that it is okay to die for a good cause.
Molly taught me the love of a mother never waivers.
Arthur taught me that curiosity is normal.
Rita taught me how to mind my own business.
Trelawney taught me to live in the moment, not look for my future.
Tonks taught me not to judge by looks.
Lavender taught me not to be a stalker girlfriend.
Narcissa taught me that sometimes parents do things they don’t want to protect their child.